New Date Announcement:

Nov 1- 3 2024


New Date Announcement: Nov 1- 3 2024 〰️

Oxford International Model United Nations 2024

The 20th anniversary of Oxford’s annual collegiate level Model UN conference will take place from
1st-3rd November 2024.

Chair and Early Bird Registration are now open.

Secretary General’s Welcome

Dear Delegates and Faculty Advisors,

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to the Oxford International Model United Nations (OXIMUN) this year, as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of our conference.

From November 1st to 3rd, we invite everyone to join us in commemorating two decades of rich debate at OXIMUN. Held in the historic city center, the conference will welcome delegates from around the globe to participate in a wide range of councils, from Human Rights to the 1911 Crisis.

This year, we plan to build on our previous successes by introducing more diverse and unique crisis-focused committees, as well as enhancing our standard committees. We encourage delegates to explore the variety of committees available and to challenge themselves in pursuit of academic excellence.

To join OXIMUN this year, please visit our registration page, where you can submit delegate applications and committee preferences. I also encourage everyone to explore our website for essential information about councils, locations, and logistics.

On behalf of the Secretariat and myself, I am very excited to welcome you all to OXIMUN this October.


Grace Rompotis